Free & Low Cost, High Impact Resources for Functional Skills and Foundation Math's GCSE.

Innovative Approach to Math's Teaching.

Innovative Approach to Math's Teaching.

Anacapa Academy Ltd, provides a unique 'specialised' and innovative approach to math teaching. Our aim is to provide comprehensive support to both learners and educators, equipping them with the necessary tools and resources to enhance numeracy attainment for all. Unfortunately, within the UK, there continues to be a disproportionate number of school leavers who lack basic numeracy skills. 

Each year, more than one-quarter of school leavers fail to achieve a minimum pass grade (4) for GCSE Maths. (In 2023 this equated to 220,000 school leavers! This is an issue that has persisted for decades, and which has yet to be

                                                                                                                                            nationally addressed! 

Inheriting these students presents a ‘contact time’ challenge and a conundrum of how to provide the ‘underpinning knowledge’ for numeracy without relying on methods that have only had a limited success. Subsequently, a range of interlinked kinaesthetic techniques have been researched, developed, and evaluated for basic maths within classes of ‘foundation level’ students. As a result, those learners have consistently surpassed national numeracy benchmark achievement rates for functional skills ‘entry level 3, level 1, and level 2 and for foundation GCSE (UK).

Using interlinked kinaesthetic techniques, an effective strategy has been developed to teach and support students with their basic numeracy skills. These 'strategies' are delivered as interactive demonstrations and then applied to consolidate learning outcomes within numeracy sessions. The use of these interlinked kinaesthetic techniques has proven to be highly effective in improving the academic performance of various groups, including school children, home-schooled children, post-16-year school leavers, adults, and NEET learners (those not in education, employment, or training). Additionally, Deaf students have benefited from these strategies because they cater to their preferred learning style, which is visual.

We aim to empower learners and teachers with 'tried and trusted tools' that deliver results. We offer a wide range of specialised services designed to cater for learner and teacher needs, including session notes, session plans, consolidation exercises and a full scheme of work. Additionally, we provide teacher and support staff training, in respect of the interlinked kinaesthetic strategies, to help improve numeracy attainment rates.

Contact Anacapa Academy today to learn more about our approach to math teaching and how we can assist you in achieving your goals.